If you’ve ever wondered if you can work while pursuing your RN-BSN degree online, you’re in the right place. While there has been concern that nursing has been overhyped as a career, if you are currently working as a registered nurse, then taking the next step and completing your undergraduate education is a great way to further your career. Before beginning your search for the best RN-BSN online degrees here’s what you need to know about juggling your career with school.

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A Degree Designed for You

The RN-BSN online degree is a bridge program; that is, a program designed to bridge your work experience as a registered nurse to a complete undergraduate degree without taking a full four years to do so. Because you likely have already received an associate’s degree in nursing prior to your certification, you need to finish just two years in order to obtain a bachelor’s degree in nursing. A bridge program that’s delivered online is a perfect choice because it allows you to work regular hours as well as study when you have the time.

Full-Time Versus Part-Time

That being said, you can work full time, but only if you can handle the course load required by the school you choose. Many students choose to work part-time in their job while finishing college; this is because the RN-BSN program takes around 18 months to complete and can be quite rigorous. It is up to you to talk with your college advisor and figure out whether you can handle working full-time or whether part-time might be the best choice for you going forward.


The RN-BSN online degree is a great way for you to work while finishing your education; classes are taught asynchronously, meaning you don’t have to be present at your computer during lectures. Exams are also completed in a testing center when it’s convenient for you, allowing you to work your degree requirements around your job obligations. Another reason the RN-BSN online program might be right for you is the fact that you can choose to take your courses in sequential format, meaning you take one course every five weeks instead of several courses concurrently. If you’re asking yourself if you can work while pursuing your BSN degree and keep everything balanced, then yes, you absolutely can, provided you pay attention to your degree requirements.

Juggling Degree Requirements and Work

The RN-BSN online degree can be difficult to manage in later stages of the degree, especially if you have a requirement to do a practicum. Many schools will allow you to finish your practicum at your place of work, but some don’t, so do your research. You can also ask the school if you can work while pursuing your BSN degree and have your job be your practicum. It’s not a guarantee the school will agree. Most students in this position often choose to quit working for the last two terms of their degree in order to graduate quickly; this might be something you need to plan for.

Nursing is an underestimated and often thankless job, but it’s one that is sorely needed. With the above information, you should be able to successfully determine if you can work while pursuing your RN-BSN degree online, and feel good about the strides you are making in your career.